Welcome Buffeteers!
Buffeteer (n) [buff-it-tear] - An individual who constantly seeks the gastronomical delight of all you can eat foods
If you or someone you know qualifies under the above definition, then this blog is for you. We will take you in the depths of the deepest mashed potato troff, through the frozen peaks of chocolate fudge ice cream, in the between the towers of Flapjack, and hopefully end up at the gates of the satisfied gullet. Buffets are a world oft undiscovered by the casual diner...they are filled with opportunity, peril, and joy. We will give you step by step guide to reaching your full buffet potential, whether it's optimally navigating any buffet, identifying and eliminating problems with Buffepticons, (bad buffeters) organizing your plate to maximum efficiency, and dozens of other topics. Please feel free to suggest some of your own. Let's face it, the buffet's the limit. The key is to unlock The Art of Buffet.