Whether we realize it or not, every single one of us has a buffet strategy, unique to each individual. However, all buffet styles can be categorized into roughly five categories. Read the five buffet personality types below, and try to determine which one you best fit into. (or perhaps you are a hybrid!)
El Classico-Some may find the El Classico 'boring', but if you ask them, they are reliable.They like to play it safe when you go a buffet, regardless of the kind of food offered. If they like chicken nuggets best, hell with the chicken marsala, they are getting a plate full of chicken nuggets. And then another plate. And then some mac n' cheese. Forget that new gorgonzola dish.The 'El Classico" live and die by the life slogan, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." We call these, the "casual buffeteers".
The Maximizer-You just spent about $12.00 of your hard earned money on a good ol' American Buffet. And you damn well are going to get your $12.00 worth. Forget the low ticket items such as green beans or spaghetti, you're going straight for the prime rib or King Crab...and you're getting a lot of it. The Maximizer maximizes their dollar spent, and their stomach is not full until they've eaten the minimum amount they paid for.
The Sampler-Believe me, this buffet style is of those who aren't the least bit picky, they just want to try everything the buffet has to offer. This buffeteer will portion a little bit of everything at the buffet, rather than loading up on a particular item. At least, to start. Sometimes though, the sampler will come across something they very much like, and then become an Aggressor to that particular item. They like to test all regions of their palate, but don't usually have room to go around for a second lap. The only stipulations to the Nitpicker is food allergies.
The Aggressor-The aggressor understands that after twenty minutes, your tummy starts to feel full. And the hell with it if the aggressor going to feel full before he or she tries the homemade meatloaf! The Aggressor still savors, but savors many different items at once...as many will fit in his or her mouth. You can usually identify an aggressor at a buffet, as on their first plate they will stick out their elbows like the start of a race to get best positioning for the least amount of buffet line time. Stick two aggressors in the same buffet path, and you are looking for trouble.
The Three Courser-The Three Courser does exactly as the name suggests. They usually don't go over three plates of food. One normally with a salad or appetizer type plate, one with a healthy portion of some substantial dinner food, and then one plate of dessert or dish of ice cream. This is usually the health conscious buffeter (they do exist!) and try their best to get all the food groups while enjoying a good mix of food.
So, what is your buffet style!